Museum Tips

When it comes to Museum, we've been there, done that, now serving 32 tips in 7 categories ranging from Aquariums to Zoos.

What is Timescape?


Timescape, one of the newest exhibits at the Ontario Science Center, leads you through 8,000 years of history as you unearth extinct animals. Combining archaeology and the science of time, this exhibit is well worth visiting.

What is the Kimble Art Museum?

Kimble Art Museum

If ever in or near Ft. Worth, TX, a must place to see is the Kimble Art Museum. They have just built a new museum that houses a variety of classical artist's works as well as fine 'Western' art. Centrally located close to Downtown Ft. Worth and easy to reach.

What is Newton´s Dream?

Newton's Dream

Newton's Dream is a kinetic sculpture at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Filled with golf balls that can take any of ten paths through the sculpture, Newton's Dream is a visually stunning demonstration of mechanics and machinery. The Franklin Institute has a page highlighting some of the gadgets within Newton's Dream.

What is the second oldest planetarium in America?

Second Oldest Planetarium

The Fels Planetarium founded in 1934 and located within the Franklin Institute is the second oldest planetarium in America.

How much does it cost to see the Joods Historisch Museum?

Joods Historisch Museum Admission

The Joods Historisch Museum charges an adult admission of 10 NGL (approximately $4.50 US). Seniors and college students are charged 5.50 NGL (approximately $2.50US). Children aged 13-18 are charged 4.50 NGL (approximately $2 US). Children aged 6-13 are charged 2.50 NGL (approximately $1 US). Children under 6 are free.

When is the Joods Historisch open?

Joods Historisch Museum Hours of Operation

The Joods Historisch Museum is open daily from 11AM to 5PM. It closes every year for Yom Kippur.

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